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Backing Down Bulletin

Backing Down instruction issued for 50.00 MW vide Code No. CGLD/02/266 on ABVTPS on dated 08-Feb-2025 09:46 has been Normalised vide Code No. CGLD/02/271 on dated 08-Feb-2025 10:52

Backing Down instruction issued for 50.00 MW vide Code No. CGLD/02/223 on DSPM on dated 06-Feb-2025 10:02 has been Normalised vide Code No. CGLD/02/228 on dated 06-Feb-2025 11:01

Backing Down instruction issued for 50.00 MW vide Code No. CGLD/02/26 on KWB on dated 02-Feb-2025 14:53 has been Normalised vide Code No. CGLD/02/27 on dated 02-Feb-2025 16:20

What's New

Statement of SDSMA Charges Bill of RE Generators for Noveber-2024 issued on 06-Feb-2025

Wheeling Charges Account for Jan-2025 in respect of OACs issued on dtd. 06-Feb-2025

Statement of SDSMA bill of Sellers/ Buyers (OAC) for the week 13-Jan-2025to 19-Jan-2025 issued on dtd. 06-Feb-2025

Provisional SEA intra state_January-2025_S -Issued vide No 2652 dtd 05/02/2025

Corrigendum Revised SEA for the month of Nov-2024 issued vide No.03-02/SCH/2619 dated 31/01/2025

Statement of SDSMA Charges bill of CSPGCL for the month of Dec-2024 issued on dtd. 28-Jan-2025

Revised SEA for the month of Nov-2024 issued vide No.03-02/SCH/2554 dated 24/01/2025

Revised SEA for the month of Nov-2024 issued vide No.03-02/SCH/2554 dated 24/01/2025

FINAL SEA INTER + INTRA _Dec-2024_S_Issued vide no 2555 dtd 24/01/2025

Statement of SDSMA bill of Sellers/ Buyers (OAC) for the week 06-Jan-2025to 12-Jan-2025 issued on dtd. 24-Jan-2025

Provisional SEA for Inter-state + Intra-state transactions for the month of December-2024 issued vide No.2514 dated 20/01/2025

Procedure for 33 KV Schedule Revise on account of Grid interruptions for revision for SDSMA at intra-state level

It has been observed that the revisions of scheduling for day-ahead and same day are being performed in the midnight hours i.e., between 23:45 Hrs to 00:05 Hrs. AS the various web services and transactions of SLDC CG website for the day-ahead and same day are being complied and run in the above mentioned period , hence it is instructed that any revisions regarding scheduling should not be done during this period for day-ahead as well as same day in the web based scheduling portal URL

The State Load Despatch Centre is the apex body to ensure integrated operation of the power system in the Chhattisgarh. It is the strategic functional unit of Chhattisgarh State Power Transmission Company Ltd.

राज्य भार प्रेषण केन्द्र,राज्य में विद्युत प्रणाली का समाकलित प्रचालन सुनिश्चित करने के लिए शीर्षस्थ निकाय है।

राज्य भार प्रेषण केन्द्र के मुख्य कृत्य :

  • राज्य में प्रचालन करने वाले अनुज्ञप्तिधारियो या उत्पादन कंपनियों के साथ की ग्रिड संविदाओं के अनुसार राज्य के भीतर विद्युत के अधिकतम निर्धारण और प्रेषण।
  • ग्रिड संक्रियाओं को मानीटर करना।
  • राज्य ग्रिड के माध्यम से पारेषित विद्युत की मात्रा का लेखा रखना।
  • अंतर्राज्यिक पारेषण प्रणाली का पर्यवेक्षण और नियंत्रण करना।
  • ग्रिड मानकों और राज्य ग्रिड कोड के अनुसार राज्य ग्रिड के सुरक्षित और मितव्ययी प्रचालन के द्वारा राज्य के भीतर विद्युत के ग्रिड नियंत्रण और प्रेषण के लिए यथार्थिक समय प्रचालनों के लिए उत्तरदायी है।
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